How to Become Emotionally Free in Challenging Situations

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This week, I woke up one morning feeling really grumpy and triggered emotionally

my kids were reacting accordingly and were having a difficult morning

I felt super-grumpy and wasn’t enjoying being with my kids,
and my automatic thoughts were to judge that.
“Why am I not enjoying being with my kids? What’s wrong with me?” etc
And I was setting the intention for my day to “enjoy being with my kids”.
But thankfully it then dawned on me that I don’t HAVE to enjoy being with my kids.
I would definitely LIKE to, but I don’t HAVE to.
What I really want is to give myself permission to feel whatever it is that I’m really feeling right now!
So I set a new intention for the day – “To allow myself to be exactly as I am in every moment”.

Immediately when I did that, a new space opened up inside of me,
I was meeting my own need for being seen and heard
– and so I suddenly had much more space inside to contain my kids,
my emotions calmed down and I was free to choose how I’d like to respond to their difficulties!

So it was still a sort-of “bumpy” morning, but could have been so so much more difficult if I wasn’t allowing myself to feel grumpy! 🙂

Giving ourselves space to be who we really are is one strategy for becoming emotionally free in challenging situations.

There’s actually 3 more strategies, that I just so happened to have put on video for you!

If you’d like me to walk you through these strategies and gain powerful tools & practices you can use to become emotionally free – Register here for my FREE Webinar

“How to Stop Reacting and Start Responding – for Ultimate Emotional Freedom!”

Now I would love to hear from you – how do you react to conflicts sometimes?

And which strategies do YOU use for emotional freedom?

I look forward to hearing your comments and questions

And to see you on the webinar!

(Here’s the link again)

With love and peace,


PS – If you think it time for you to step up in your relating skills, and build loving, connected, flowing relationships for yourself – there’s few spaces left in my 2-day “Turn Conflicts to Opportunities” Training in Melbourne next weekend! check it out here.

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